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Hove Classes
Welcome to the Hove Body Happy class page!
Due to current restrictions on occupancy at our site in Hove, we are currently only able to offer on-line classes. The good news is, you get more choice! Due to our on-line content being delivered by our instructors at Hove and Lewes, you can sign up to more classes. You can then perform the class in your own privacy – in the lounge, garden or on holiday!
For class descriptions, click the link below.

Pilates is a highly effective method of exercise to strengthen and tone your body, with particular emphasis on your “core” – a complex series of muscle around your abdomen, lower back, hips, and pelvis.
Your core is incorporated int almost every movement of your body and working on these muscles can transform how you look and feel. Having a strong core is important for optimum health and vitality. You will leave my Pilates classes feeling invigorated and ready to take on the world.
For more information on the Pilates class and what to bring read our blog Pilates Classes for Strength and Vitality.

Fit Steps is an energetic, up beat dance fitness class featuring all of your favourite strictly dances.
It is designed to give real, measurable fitness results. It is suitable for all ages and abilities and you don’t need a partner.
You will have so much fun you won’t even realise you are getting fit!

Dynamic Stretch
Begin your weekend with our Dynamic Stretch class.
The class is a flow based stretch class, where you combine the patterns of Yoga and Pilates in continuous flowing movement.
All levels of fitness and flexibility welcome as each exercise can be easily adapted to suit all.

Circuit Training
You will complete a number of exercises (5-10) before resting and repeating. All participants will begin at a station – which has a specific exercise to perform. Once the prescribed time is up, the instructor will ask you to move onto the next exercise. The class will give you an all round challenge testing both your cardiovascular and muscular systems – strength and endurance. The circuit is designed in different ways each week to give variety using different exercises or a different format focusing on more aerobic exercises, muscle endurance exercises to a combination of the two.
For more information on Circuits and what to bring read our blog on Body Happy Circuits.

Do you feel that lunchtime lull?
Come and take part in our HIIT* class where we will boost your energy levels with a series of progressive interval exercises, incorporating strength and cardiovascular movements.
The class looks to manipulate 5 different training variables in order to increase the intensity of your workout, they are:
Workout Intensity
(Rate of Perceived Exertion)
Work Time
Interval duration, how long you are working for
Rest Time
How long you are resting for between exercises/rounds.
Is it active, moving around, a core exercise or stationary, taking on water.
How many intervals, rounds to complete.
All abilities welcome as exercises will be tailored to the right level for you.
*High Intensity Interval Training
Body Revive
Relax the body and mind
This class combines techniques learnt over the years in the fitness industry, looking at improving strength, core control, mobility and flexibility. Helping to relax both the body and mind, through movement, stretches and relaxation.
The class is for all abilities, from anyone looking to stretch and relax from a stressful day to someone looking to improve their mobility for health and fitness.
Shimmy Shake
Inspired by belly dance and incorporating elements of yoga and Pilates, this energetic yet flowing class will leave you feeling revitalised and connected with your body. Improve co-ordination learning intricate isolation patterns and boost your self-confidence and raise endorphins moving to an upbeat eclectic world-fusion soundtrack.
Book a Class
To book a space on any of our classes contact the team on 01273 916900 or sign up to a Move GB account. Classes cost £8 per person. Classes are popular however, so you will need to reserve your place in advance. The classes are held at our Lewes Studio.