Redefining Personal Training for the Over-40s: Debunking Common Misconceptions

What are YOUR beliefs about Personal Training? It May Be Time for a Re-Think

Myth 1: It’s Not For Me, I’m Too Old/I’m The Wrong Shape, etc

The very first myth we need to shatter is that personal training is exclusive to a certain age or fitness level. The truth is, it’s for everyone, regardless of your age, shape, or activity level. It’s for those who aspire to make a positive change and could use a guiding hand on their journey.

If you haven’t exercised for a while, your training program should be tailored precisely to your fitness level and adjusted as you progress. A little soreness is expected, but being left completely drained or bedridden is not the goal. A reputable personal trainer will perform a comprehensive assessment of your fitness and health before you begin.

Myth 2: It’s Exhausting and Painful..and Hard Core

A personal training session should indeed be challenging, but it should never be so exhausting that you can’t function afterward. It shouldn’t cause pain either. The old “go hard or go home” mantra doesn’t apply here; we’re not in the military. The adage “no pain, no gain” is another myth that needs dispelling. With a personal trainer, you’ll work harder and more effectively than on your own, but they should know the right balance to avoid causing harm.

Myth 3: It’s All Rather Embarrassing…Isn’t It?

Rest assured, if you’re working out with a personal trainer in a public gym, people are generally focused on themselves, not you. (Unless, of course, you’re wearing day-glow orange from head to toe.) Some personal trainers offer sessions in their private studios, which can be an ideal solution.

You won’t be put in awkward or embarrassing situations. Good personal trainers understand that making you feel uncomfortable could lead to you canceling your sessions, and they aim to create a supportive and comfortable environment.

Myth 4: No Way. Personal Training is like PE at School

The dreaded memories of school physical education may have scarred many of us, but personal training is a world apart. Here, you can wear what you like, as long as you feel comfortable. One-on-one exercise sessions are designed to enhance your strength, flexibility, and overall fitness and should be enjoyable. If they’re not, it’s time to consider finding another personal trainer.

Myth 5: There’s Lots of Running

Not unless you specifically want running in your program, such as marathon training. For most personal training clients, the goal is often to lose weight, tone up, improve health, and feel better. This typically involves a tailored program combining weight training with interval training (High-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT).

Interestingly, running alone is no longer seen as the most effective method for weight loss. To notice significant weight loss, it’s essential to focus on the calorie-burning benefits of building stronger, larger muscles.

Myth 6: But I Don’t Need to Lose Weight!

No worries at all! Personal training can be customized to target various aspects of your wellbeing. Whether it’s improving posture, flexibility, or refining your eating and sleeping habits, the options are endless. You might be referred to a personal trainer by another health professional after an injury or illness. The focus can be on other equally important aspects of your overall wellness.

Myth 7: It’s Really Expensive

Actually, it’s quite reasonable when you consider the value it offers. Compared to what you spent on your last haircut or the money you’ve spent on wine recently, personal training is a sound investment in your health. Think about that gym membership you’re paying for every month but hardly use.

It’s astounding to know that Brits waste a staggering £37 million each year on unused gym memberships and slimming classes. Compared to this, personal training is a wise and efficient choice. You don’t even need to commit to twice-weekly sessions; personal training is about what works for you.

In the end, you can’t put a price on your health. It may sound like a cliché, but it’s absolutely true. So, let’s put these myths to rest and not allow preconceived notions to hinder you from living your life to the fullest. Be well, be happy. Be Body Happy.

If you would like a FREE no obligation chat about how personal training could help you, please contact our Body Happy team on 01273 916900